About Me

I live in Northampton and am a practising Jewish mum and wife and the Schools’ Visitor for Judaism in and around Northamptonshire. I’ve been visiting schools for over 30 years as well as being a guest speaker many times at the University of Northampton so I consider myself a very experienced teacher of Judaism.

I was also teacher and Headteacher for many years at Religion Schools in local synagogues and taught all ages and aspects of Judaism including basic Hebrew and specifically Bar/Bat Mitzvah Torah portions to many students.

I’ve also been a consultant at several Teacher Training workshops on Religion and Spirituality and helped produce a booklet on Jewish artefacts as well as work programmes for children.

I served as the Jewish Representative on the local SACRE (Standing Advisory Committee on Religious Education) for many years as well as representing Judaism at local Holocaust Memorial events.

I come from a background of both Orthodox and Reform/Progressive Judaism so I  can offer a very broad view of the faith.



I have felt for some time that I wanted to share my extensive knowledge of Judaism in an easily understood way that would appeal to those who want to learn not just about Judaism in theory but also what actually happens in practice. I’m hoping my Articles will appeal to teachers who need to impart information as well as those who are seeking to extend their knowledge of World Faiths.

Of course there is plenty of information out there already but I hope I can bring the written word alive and make the learning ‘real’ as it is coming from ‘the horse’s mouth!’ – a comment I often receive when I visit schools.

One question I’m often asked is how to pronounce the Hebrew words so I have addressed this issue in the extensive Glossary which explains all underlined words in the Articles including their pronunciation where appropriate.



 So much racism, intolerance and insensitivity is due to ignorance therefore it is really important to me to be able to pass on my knowledge and experience of living the Jewish faith especially within the context of a multi-racial Britain.

I have always been sensitive to diversity and when teaching, I try to establish connections by focussing on shared elements.

In other words I emphasise our similarities rather than our differences which hopefully promotes interfaith cohesion.

In short, by having knowledge and understanding of the lives of ordinary people of faith, we can all learn mutual respect and tolerance.

This is the ultimate aim of my Website.

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