Learn the theory & practice of Judaism with Jo Elijah

About Me

My name is Jo Elijah and welcome to my site! I live in Northampton and am a practising Jewish mum and wife and the Schools’ Visitor for Judaism in and around Northamptonshire.

I have felt for some time that I wanted to share my extensive knowledge of Judaism in an easily understood way that would appeal to those who want to learn not just about Judaism in theory but also what actually happens in practice. I’m hoping my Articles will appeal to teachers who need to impart information as well as those who are seeking to extend their knowledge of World Faiths.

Of course there is plenty of information out there already but I hope I can bring the written word alive and make the learning ‘real’ as it is coming from ‘the horse’s mouth!’ – a comment I often receive when I visit schools.


I’ve been visiting schools for over 30 years as well as being a guest speaker many times at the University of Northampton.


I was a teacher and Headteacher for many years at Religion Schools in local synagogues and taught all ages and aspects of Judaism including basic Hebrew and specifically Bar/Bat Mitzvah Torah portions to many students.


I’ve also been a consultant at several Teacher Training workshops on Religion and Spirituality and helped produce a booklet on Jewish artefacts as well as work programmes for children.


The Torah
order of shabbat morning service
shabbat blessings

Women in Judiasm

What People Say

Jo has been an inspirational Head teacher for our Cheder (Religion School) over several years. She was full of creative ideas, from baking to art work. She has infectious enthusiasm and an evident love of Judaism, which she passed on to our children so that they loved attending.
RABBI MARGARET JACOBI - Birmingham Progressive Synagogue.

Jo is a committed, engaging and knowledgeable teacher of Judaism and was an excellent headteacher at Birmingham Progressive Synagogue's weekly Religion School. She motivated and supported a team of young adult teachers, creating an inclusive learning community of children, teenagers, staff and families embracing Jewish learning.
MANDY ROSS - Renowned religious children's author
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